
The FAA is a volunteer based organization. Board members assist in the administration of community youth sports supporting all interests of recreation opportunities within the Folsom community.

Over the years, board members have been current and former city council members, planning commissioners, park and recreation commissioners, community youth board members, coaches, business owners, and local residents. Each has brought to the table their passion for community “and” sports and their experience and values in service to make the FAA what it is today.

FAA Executive Officers (two-year term)

Rich Francis – President
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Rich and his family moved to Folsom, California, in 2001. He works in the Civil Engineering consulting business, providing design and plans for small to large developments, from concept to construction. Rich has been active in sports and athletics all his life as a youth and then later many various Adult Leagues. He spent five years on the Folsom Jr. Bulldogs Executive Board and was Vice President of Folsom Fusion Girls AAU Basketball. Both Daughters were involved with Folsom Soccer, Softball, Folsom Jr. Bulldog and High School Cheer. His youngest played Competitive Basketball for Folsom Fusion and then for Vista del Lago High School Varsity Basketball. His Oldest cheered for Folsom Junior Bulldogs and then Folsom High School, where she earned All-American and Participated in The Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade and NFL Pro-Bowl in Honolulu. She is now Assistant Varsity Cheer Coach at Folsom High School. Joining the FAA Board in 2014, Rich saw it as an opportunity to assist ALL of Folsom’s youth sports and to help the community through the FAA programs.

Jen Salazar – Vice President
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Jen has worked in the wine and liquor distribution industry since 2008 and loves it! She loves crafting and woodworking, and in her free time, she does craft show projects on our property. Jen got involved with the Race to Keep Hearts Beating organization through her husband, Eric. The Salazar family started the Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament & Benefit Dinner in 2011 to bring awareness of Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS). Funds are raised for the Folsom and Vista del Lago High School scholarships in honor of Race.

Kindra Miller – Secretary
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Kindra moved to Folsom in September 2013. Kindra quickly got involved in the community and was part of the Vista Jr. Eagle family from 2015 until 2021, where she held multiple roles, including President. Kindra is now the Assistant to the Athletic Director and the Cheer Coordinator at Vista del Lago High School. She has been part of the FAA as a Youth Representative and an Executive Board member and is now the current Secretary.

Rose Benevento – Treasurer
Term: 2023-2025
Bio: Rose is the office manager for the family chiropractic business in Folsom, California. She has also held the position of FAA treasurer since 1992. As a family, they have been involved in sports, with their son swimming for the Folsom Sea Otters and playing Folsom National Little League, Folsom Soccer, and Folsom Youth Basketball. Ernie Sheldon recruited Rose to the executive board as their treasurer.

Ernie Sheldon – Executive Director (1934-2020)
Term: Appointed – will always be part of the FAA Board
Bio: Ernie is a retired Lt. Col from the United States Air Force, former City of Folsom Park & Recreation, Library Commissioner, and City Council Vice Mayor. It all started with “Can I help?” Ernie guided the FAA in raising over one million dollars to help leverage the city, advocating for park and athletic facilities which became the model organization for park and recreation agencies statewide. In 2020, Ernie received two prestigious awards Honoring a Life Devoted to Service and Community.

Questions for a board member? Contact us and your message will be forwarded to the member.

FAA Board Members (two-year term)

David Benevento
Term: 2023-2025
Bio: Dave and his family moved to Folsom, California, in 1983, where he opened the Benevento Chiropractic office. Wanting to get involved with the community, Dave answered an ad in the Folsom Telegraph looking for volunteers to help with “Monday Night Bingo.” He ran the cash register, called bingo numbers, soon became a board member, and was President of the FAA. Dave has been managing the fireworks fundraiser for the past 25+ years. He has seen the FAA grow to incorporate numerous scholarships, adopt-a-facility, and many other community programs. The FAA has helped to make Folsom great; my family is proud to be part of their legacy.

Tom Handy – Snack Bar Manager
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Tom’s brother John was a founding member of the Folsom Athletic Association. Tom is a retired small business owner, enjoying every moment he can with his grandkids. Tom was introduced to the FAA as a volunteer helping fundraise at “Monday Night Bingo” at the old Community Club House. He helped coach his son and daughters on different sports teams. Tom’s a firm believer that sports help build character. Rick Shaffer, a previous FAA board member, brought Tom on board as a member. Tom served as the FAA President from 1998 to 2002. He is very proud of what this organization has done for our great city.

Will Kempton
Term: 2023-2025
Bio: Will is currently serving as the Executive Director of the Sacramento Transportation Authority; he’ll be retiring at the end of 2020. Will became involved with the FAA because of the organization’s work to support youth sports in Folsom. He is passionate about parks and recreation and served as the Chairman of the City Parks & Recreation Commission for many years.

Tim Kuntz
Term: 2023-2025
Bio: Tim’s family moved to Folsom, CA in 1963. He was born a year later at Twin Lakes Community Hospital (Folsom), where his Father was Chief of Staff. Tim grew up playing basketball, baseball, football, and soccer. He graduated from Folsom High School in 1982 and UC Santa Barbara in 1987. Tim works for Crown Equipment Corporation as National Accounts’s West Coast Sr. Manager. Tim’s two older daughters attended Folsom High School, earning Varsity letters for the Bulldog Soccer team, and have since graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo; his youngest daughter played Varsity soccer as a Sophomore, earning second-team All-League honors for the Bulldogs. Tim firmly believes in youth sports and the valuable life lessons learned by playing organized sports. He has coached multiple youth teams in Folsom over the years. Tim was encouraged to join the FAA by Lynn LePage and later by Michael Raffetto. Tim has seen Folsom grow from a sleepy little town of 5,000 people with no traffic lights to the beautiful City we all now enjoy!

Lynn LePage
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Lynn was the last recreation director in 1983, hired by the FAA while under contract to the city to develop recreation programs for the City of Folsom. After two years of rapid recreation growth, the FAA turned over the successful operation to the city. In 1985, Lynn became the city’s first recreation superintendent; his career ran for 33 years. Lynn coached at the high school, junior high, and youth sports levels and taught tennis and skiing. Staying connected with the FAA and the Friends of Folsom Parkways was a natural fit.

Greg Martinelli
Term: 2024-2026
My father and I opened up Folsom Sign Company (formerly Signs Now) in 1998. At the time I was living in Sacramento
and after 4 years I decided to convince my wife to look at a house here since we saw how great of a city it was and the perfect place to raise our kids. Sports have always been a part of my life. I grew up playing soccer from 6 years old through college and just hung up my cleats a few years ago due to an injury. Both our boys played youth sports (soccer, baseball, football). Football became their favorite sport, so we signed them up with the Folsom Junior Bulldogs, where my wife and I both became board members for 6 years until they were in high school. Youth athletics was a way for us to meet other families where we met many new friends and still keep in touch. I am happy to be a part of the FAA and what they represent.

Michael Raffetto – past President 2018-2024
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Michael is a manufacturers’ sales representative (housewares and wine industry), covering a large portion of Northern California. Michael was introduced to a variety of sports growing up in Italy. Upon returning to the U.S., he focused on basketball playing in high school and college. The family moved to Folsom, California, in 1992, where he coached for the Folsom Youth Basketball and Folsom Soccer. Michael was introduced to the FAA as the Folsom Soccer Club representative for Adopt a Facility and FAA and was involved with FAA’s events, fundraisers, and partnerships with the city. Ernie Sheldon brought Michael on board, serving as Vice President and now President. Spending most of his life around sports, he believes the FAA is a tremendous organization with wonderful people working towards the same goals of providing the best sports experience for our youth and families. Michael loves collaborating with the city, parks and recreation, and school district to maintain our sports fields and facilities.

Gypsy Waits
Term: 2024-2026

Dean Williams
Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Dean and his family moved to Folsom, California, in 1992. Dean is a loan officer with Guild Mortgage. His sons were active in youth sports, starting at 4 1/2  years old; Dad supported both boys as a coach. Dean coached baseball, soccer, basketball, and flag football. Dean also has served as a board member for Folsom National Little League and was president for two years. After serving on the Little League board, he joined the Folsom Soccer board as field manager, running the tournaments for the league. Dean continues to support youth sports with his work as Secretary for the FAA board of directors.

Kyle Woody
Term: 2023-2025

Recruiting new Board Members

If you have skills in youth sports and recreation administration, marketing, social media, education or fundraising, we would love your help! The FAA is looking for passionate professionals, recent grads, or seasoned members to be part of our organization.

Board experience preferred, but not required. Individuals involved with youth sports (past or present), have a recreation background, non-profit or fundraising experience (grants or other sources), and connections with leaders in our Folsom community are needed to make strategic decisions about the long term health and vision of the organization.

Monthly board meetings. Solution oriented, willing to chair or co-chair a program or event, participate in strategy planning, goal setting, and willing to participate in the planning and guiding practices. Involved with various duties on behalf of the organization (networking, research, events, committee meetings, etc.).

For questions on becoming a board member, send an email to folsomathleticassociation@gmail.com.

Folsom Athletic Association

P.O. Box 835
Folsom, CA 95763-835Folsom Athletic Association, CA